
postdoctoral fellow in electrosynthesis


We are looking for talented and motivated postdoctoral research fellows who will conduct research on the electrochemical production of value-added chemicals.

In this role, you will investigate electrosynthesis reactions and in-depth study using in-situ/operando spectroscopy analysis.


What you will do:

-      preparation of electrocatalysts and tuning electrolyte conditions to discover electrosynthesis reactions

-      in situ ATR-IR and synchrotron X-ray analysis of electrosynthesis.      

-      development of electrochemical reactors and catalysts for paired electrolysis of CO2 and organic compounds


What is required:

-       Ph.D. (within the past 3 years) in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, or a related field.

-       experience in electrochemistry for the chemical synthesis and related techniques/analysis

-       experience in synthesis and utilization of organometallic catalysis


-       this is a full-time 1-year postdoctoral appointment with the possibility of renewal based upon satisfactory job performance, continuing availability of funds and ongoing operational needs.

-       these positions are supported by funding from the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea and KIST.

-       salary will be determined based on your education and career. (Avg. 50,000 USD/year including tax)

-       workplace: 5, Hwarang-ro 14-gil Seongbuk-gu Seoul, 02792 Republic of Korea



Interested candidates, please send your CV, a brief statement of your previous research expertise/research interests, and the contact information of referees to DK Lee at dnklee at 


이력서, 성적증명서, 공인영어성적 (토익, 텝스등)을 dnklee at로 보내주세요.

KIST와 학연협정을 맺은 학교(고려대, 연세대 등)소속의 대학원생 신분으로 입학하고, 

KIST에서 연구를 수행하며 석/박사 학위를 취득하는 과정.  

졸업 시 해당 소속학교/학과의 학위를 수여받음.

정부출연연구소가 연합하여 설립한 대학원인 과학기술연합대학원(UST)KIST school 소속 대학원생으로 입학하고, 

KIST에서 연구를 수행하며 석/박사 학위를 취득하는 과정.

졸업 시 과학기술연학대학원(UST) 학위를 수여받음.

연구분야: 전기합성

근무지: 서울시 성북구 화랑로 14길 5 한국과학기술연구원 (6호선 상월곡역)

급여: 박사과정 평균 4,000만원, 석사과정 평균 3,000만원 (세전, 대학원과정에 따라 상이함)

         국기근로계약 기준준수 (4대 보험, 퇴직금)